About Wake Up & Stop…

Hello All & Welcome!  I have created this site & blog as an outlet of information to unsolved crimes in Michigan.

Murders, Rapes, Disappearances, Domestic Violence, Child Endangerment, etc., etc. it all makes you sick to your stomach to recon the thought of it happening to you.  I have witnessed and lived through many of these same circumstances, but through all of them, I/we have had closure. 

This site is dedicated to explore the stories and lives of those that have become a mere statistic in the world we live in.  But, these people are not statistics, they were fathers/mothers, sons/daughters, uncles/aunties, family, and friends to those that knew them.

So this site is a testament to those gone but not forgotten, to bring closure families/friends, and last but not least get the word out to STOP THE B.S. and WAKE UP!